Design Inquiry

Design Inquiry

Design Inquiry Denial Haiku from the Apocalypse Once seen possible Polar Bear Writing Glaciers January 1, 2019 Hester Jiskoot is a glaciologist and I am a visual artist. Together we participated together in Design Inquiry’s “WILD_ _ NESS/WEIRD _ NESS” inquiry in...
A Chronology of Gowns and Birds

A Chronology of Gowns and Birds

A CHRONOLOGY OF GOWNS AND BIRD EXTINCTIONS FROM 1500 TO THE PRESENT  The artist book titled A Chronology of Gowns and Bird Extinctions from 1500 to the Present was originally published as a hand-bound limited edition book in 2001 as part of Crows, a collaborative...
Painting John Brown Painting

Painting John Brown Painting

Painting John Brown Painting Painting John Brown Painting is a creative prose piece on the work of Toronto painter John Brown written in for Ars Medica: A Journal of Medicine, The Arts and Humanities (University of Toronto Press, Vol. 6 no. 2) in 2010 and reproduced...
Utopic Impulses

Utopic Impulses

Utopic Impulses Artist pages  in Utopic Impulses, Contemporary Ceramics Practice. Edited by Ruth Chambers, Amy Gogarty and Miereille Perron. Ronsdale Press, 2007...